How To Download and Import Digital Journals/Planners

This tutorial will demonstrate how to download your purchased digital journal or planner from the Digitalite Planning website, and how to import them into an annotating app of your choice. Follow along with the video or the written guide below.

  1. After checkout, you’ll be taken to the Downloads Page (The file will also be sent to the email you provided). Select the file in the Download Section. It should automatically download to the Downloads folder in your Files app.
  2. For organizational purposes, move the zip file out of the Downloads folder to a location of your choice.
  3. Tap the zip file to extract the folder (delete the zip file afterwards to save space on your device).
  4. Open the folder and select the PDF Download Dashboard to start building your journal or planner.
  5. Once done customizing, download the product. A pop-up will appear asking to open the link, and then ask to download the file. The file will again be found in the Downloads folder. Move the file to a location of your choice.
  6. Import the file to an annotating app (2 ways)
    • Select the app of your choice, tap on new (or the “+” button), select import, and choose the file you want to import.
    • TapĀ  and hold the file, select share, and choose the app you want to import to.
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