Customization Guide
In the Download Dashboard, you can customize your digital journal and planner to your liking. There are several layout options including Orientation, Line Spacing, and Weekly Layout. This guide explains the different customization layouts when building your journal and planner. We describe each layout and when it’s best used so you can decide which layout is best for you.
The Orientation layout is available for the digital planners. You can choose between portrait or Landscape.

Portrait orientation is in a vertical position. It is most comfortable for reading and writing. If you prefer to use your iPad or tablet in an upright position, choose this orientation.

Landscape orientation is in a horizontal position. It is best used for looking at your screen in a wider view. If you prefer to use your iPad or tablet in this position, choose this orientation.
Ruled Line Spacing
Three ruled line spacing are available when choosing your journaling page: narrow, college, and wide. The spacing reflects the measurements on traditional paper.

Narrow ruled provides 1/4″ spacing. Lines are closer together and allows for more writing per page. It is best used for people who have small handwriting.

College ruled line provides 9/32″ spacing. It’s best used for those who’s handwriting is medium-sized.

Wide ruled provides 11/32″ spacing. Lines are wider apart compared to narrow and college. It is best used for people who have larger handwriting.
Weekly Layout
Two weekly layout options are available when designing your planner: horizontal and vertical. Both layouts include Top Priorities, Tasks, and Notes sections. You can also choose to start the week on either Sunday or Monday.
Sunday Horizontal Weekly Layout in Portrait Orientation

Monday Horizontal Weekly Layout in Landscape Orientation

The layout displays the week horizontally, with each day in their own row. It provides more room for those who prefer to write their events in detail.
Monday Vertical Weekly Layout in Portrait Orientation

Sunday Vertical Weekly Layout in Landscape Orientation

This weekly layout displays the week vertically on the page, with a column for each day. It’s best for those who prefer to list their events in a vertical format.